Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Welcome to the MACSAS Blog

To coincide with the launch of the newly redesigned MACSAS website www.macsas.org.uk we are also launching this new blog.
This will be used by members and associates to post their latest news, views and opinions. We welcome respectful comments and contributions - you can also contact us via or website.


  1. Good morning everyone, how is everyone feeling after the meeting yesterday. Sent a message to my friend to let him know he can be an 'associate' member and will repost the website on my Fb page. It was good to hear the courageous lady telling us her story. I shall order her book and educate myself in the holidays. Another front we are all fighting on.

    Pax et Bonum


  2. Psalm 123:3
    Have mercy upon us, oh Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt.

  3. Indeed! After reading Teresa Coopers book.

  4. Tomorrow night I shall be attending 'Close the Gap Prayer Vigil' when I am in my private room at Holy Rood House. My prayers will not only be for those affected by austerity measures but for those 'looked after children' who feel abandoned and lost in private care homes where who knows what goes on. Abuse, including sexual abuse is a hidden crime in these places of darkness as revealed in Teresa's book. Let us pray that the doors will be open and light will shine upon those lost children.

  5. Has anyone watched the Parliamentary debate on 'Transparency in Lobbying' and been a bit worried about how it might affect survivor groups and campaigning if it goes through. It may silence a lot of organisations and prevent spending on supporting survivors during election times. However as a survivor I will not be silenced even through Government legislation. I was brought up under a dictatorship in Malawi, Africa and we found imaginative ways around censorship. Pax et Bonum Debs

  6. The little lie that is told today will be the bigger one tomorrow, the secrets that are hidden today will be posted on another morrow. For those in power manipulate the truth, survivors cry and scream silently inside, secrets and lies lie buried in the vaults of Cathedrals and churches, hidden from view whilst respectable people just sit and pray in their pew.

  7. Hi Debs
    Not much going on in the blog. I have been reading lately about how you can find your own relationship with God, independent of any church or clergy. You can preserve your own faith, no one can make you lose that. Is anyone interested if I write up what I have learned?

  8. Hi,

    Just having a little difficulty in logging in as I do not use the blog site that much, in fact not many people do. Did you have a good Christmas Nina, I had a quiet Christmas before celebrating New Year with my Sister. If you want to keep in touch, try my Fb site or use this one, I occasionally E-mail two other MACSAS members and have an account with Twitter. It is lovely to hear from you, I use this site just in case anyone is out there and it is a good way to share news.

    Pax et Bonum
    (Peace and Goodness) St Francis of Assisi

    Deborah R Elston

  9. Hi Debs

    Thanks, I had a good Christmas too. Happy New Year to you.

    It's a shame we don't have more people sharing on the blog after Phil went to all that trouble to set it up! I have found this website, that helps people abused in childhood manage problems they have in people skills and relationships:

    I am interested in healing and forgiveness. I have seen so many survivors who can't move on from the bitterness they feel. It is so corrosive. Forgiveness does not replace justice but it can heal.

    God bless, Debs. Nice to hear from you.

    1. Hi Nina, Just about to try to complete module nine of a course I am doing, I think we are the only survivors, so far who use this site, just E-mailed Lucy and told her my news. I am awaiting the warmer, dryer weather etc when I can plant some seeds and re-work my garden after the winter rain!

      Lots of love


    2. hi, i am desperate for help. i was 19 when i came to nursing college in 1987. my pastor soon made me his special girl. two years of sexual abuse ensued. two wrecked marriages and 30 years of severe depression have followed. i recently went to the police. apparently it was just an inappropriate relationship as i was 19 at time of abuse. i have seen another pastor. shocked embarrassment- 'plase dont discredit the name of Jesus'.
