Wednesday, 5 February 2014

It's Not Just The Catholics!

Today the UN severely criticised the Roman Catholic Church over it's appalling record on child sex abuse and it's failure to report and cooperate with civil authorities across the world.
They were ordered to immediately remove any priests know to have committed child abuse or those suspected of it.

They were also told to hand over all their secret files relating to abusive priests and how they have or have not been dealt with.
The report found that the Church had consistently put the reputation of itself and its clergy above the needs of the victims of abuse.

MACSAS work across all denominations has found that the same institutional dynamics exist in many religious organisations. This is particularly demonstrated by the Diocese of Chichester scandal in the Church of England. Many of the comments made by the UN resonate with those made by the inquiry reports into Chichester by Baroness Butler-Sloss and by Bishop John Gladwin and Rupert Bursell QC.

It is clear that the only way that these institutions can be held to account is if there is a full independent public inquiry into child abuse within the Churches and their associated institutions with power to compel them to reveal records and give evidence under oath.

Despite years of campaigning the churches are still putting their image and reputation above the truth and the interests of survivors and their families.

Enough is enough - It's time for a Public Inquiry